
PT Ciptajaya Sejahtera Abadi (CSA Tower)

Tentang kami

In 1991, PT Ciptajaya Sejahtera Abadi, also known as PT. CSA, started its business in the construction of steel towers for radio, television, the National Electricity Company (PLN), and fabrication of factory steel structures. In 2000, with the formation of GSM operators, PT. CSA began to take an active role in the construction and maintenance of GSM operator telecommunication towers. PT. CSA was legally authorized in 2006, with the addition of a telecommunication tower maintenance business. With the experience of excellent resources and capital, in 2024, PT. CSA plans to expand its business field for the telecommunications and IT industries to include maintenance and construction of telecommunications towers, optical cable networks, power systems, indoor building systems, radio access networks, and data centers. PT. CSA also provides repair services and module procurement for the telecommunications and IT industries, as well as FTTH infrastructure providers for triple-play and internet service providers.

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Nomor kontak:+62-2150691999
Kantor pusat:

South Jakarta

Hari Kerja:


Ukuran Perusahaan:



2006 ( 18 yrs old )