
PT. Cahaya Optimis Talenta

Consultancy Services

Tentang kami

PT. Cahaya Optimis Talenta is a talent recruitment company based in Jakarta which seeks to connect the right talent with the right business. Our goal is to help businesses find the perfect talent for their needs, and to make the process of employee recruitment simpler. Our target audience is prospective talent, specifically skilled individuals who meet our clients’ requirements. We focus on identifying talents in a wide range of industries and backgrounds, so businesses have access to a variety of choice for their unique needs. We believe that success is measured in quality, not quantity. Our team is always striving for accuracy, so that we can ensure the right people are matched with the right companies. We measure successful matches through our carefully crafted standards of quality, which enable us to provide the highest level of customer satisfaction. Through these standards, we ensure that businesses are finding talent that matches their qualifications and expectations, while still enabling companies to find the perfect fit.

Informasi lainnya



Nomor kontak:+62-859106712033
Kantor pusat:

West Jakarta

Hari Kerja:


Ukuran Perusahaan:



2023 (1 yrs old)


West JakartaDKI JakartaIndonesia11470

Manfaat & Fasilitas

Training and Development